
Learn and Live with Diabetes

Doctor Diabetes MD, the diabetes internet channel - Learn how to live well with diabetes

Introductory Special
Learning the Pearls
Devices & Medicines
Eat Well, Learn & Live
Daily Exercise Class
Testimonial & Review
Portions & Labels
Carbs & Recipes
Happy Harmony

Over 29 million Americans have diabetes, with an additional 69 million having a pre-diabetic condition
One in eleven people have diabetes, with an additional 2 in 11 having a pre-diabetic condition

Over 29 million Americans have diabetes, and an additional 69 million have a pre-diabetic condition putting them at high risk of contracting the full-blown disease.

That equates to 1 in 11 people having diabetes, and more than 2 in 11 being pre-diabetic.

If you have diabetes, it is critical for you to maintain proper blood sugar levels and take steps to manage your condition to avoid life threatening complications.


Fortunately, you can manage your diabetes. Our videos and articles will show you how!


When you subscribe to DoctorDiabetesMD™ you'll learn about:

  • Medical devices and medications - find out about different treatment options and ways to manage your blood sugar levels with medicine.

  • Healthy recipes, nutrition, and portion control - A healthier diet is an important step in managing your condition. We'll show you a delicious assortment of meals you can easily prepare, as well as teach you the all-important lessons on portion sizes. You can still eat many of your favorite foods, in moderation!

  • Fun exercises that fit your lifestyle and abilities - You need to keep active to help ward off complications, and we'll take you through all kinds of exercises. Pick a few and make then part of your daily routine.

  • Meet some patients and learn from their successes and struggles - Hear the personal stories of people who have triumphed over their condition and live life without diabetic complications. We think you'll find these stories to be inspiring and motivating. If they can do it, so can you!

  • The Pearls of Knowledge - With over 30 years' experience successfully treating diabetic patients, you'll gain access to insider secrets and proven methodologies to live a longer, happier life.

  • Remove stress from your life and live happy! - Stress is hard on the human body even under the best circumstances, but when you have diabetes, it's even more important to keep your stress levels low. Sometimes you just need to change your perspective a bit. Join us on a journey of self-empowerment.

And it's all yours for just $12.99 $9.99 per month!

Join Now

Keep your fingers, toes, and eyesight

Manage your blood sugar levels

Healthier recipes - Love what you eat!

Get motivated for healthier living

Learn portion control and enjoy your favorite foods

Keep moving with exercises and fitness routines

Learn about medications, devices and treatment options

See how others are managing their diabetes. Be inspired and live happy!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, approximately 29.1 million people in the US have diabetes.

Left untreated, diabetes can lead to a number of severe and often life-threatening conditions including cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, blindness, and amputations.

If you have diabetes, it is vitally important that you manage your sugar levels and take steps to prevent complications.

If you have a family member with diabetes, you can help support the lifestyle changes your loved one needs to make to help manage the disease. is here to teach and inspire you to take control of your life and your diabetes so you can live a long life free of diabetic complications.

You'll learn about the foods you can eat and those you should avoid, you'll learn about portion control (yes, you can have a slice of pie!), and we'll show you delicious, easy to prepare meals and recipes to give you plenty of options for healthy eating.

We'll go over medications and medical devices and show you how to use them. See what devices and treatments work best for your lifestyle and discuss the options with your doctor.

We'll also share information on the latest guidelines for managing your condition, and give you pearls of knowledge gained from successfully treating diabetic patients for over 25 years.

Exercise is an important part of managing your diabetes to prevent complications, and we'll show you exercises you can do regardless of your fitness level and mobility. Choose the exercises you like and build your own fitness regimen.

Next, we'll introduce you to a number of patients who are successfully living with diabetes. They will tell you what has worked for them (and what hasn't), and how they have been able to combine good eating habits, exercise, blood sugar monitoring, and medication to live their lives free of diabetic complications. Be inspired! They did it, you can too!

And of course your state of mind plays a big role in your overall health. Stress plays havoc with your body, so we'll provide plenty of motivation and encouragement along the way. The happier you are, the healthier you will be!

So join now to gain immediate access to our ever-growing video library, recipes, and newsletters. Control your diabetes. Don't let diabetes control you!

Doctor Diabetes M.D.

This company was formed based upon my awareness of how many diabetics in this country and around the world are still developing devastating complications due to this disease, and that it is now time to use my 30 years' experience to teach diabetics the secrets to living long, advanced lives without complications.

Life with Diabetes

Many of my patients are living well into their 80's and 90's and are still exercising and feeling well. They are not blind. They do not have diabetic ulcers or diabetic toe amputations. They are not on dialysis. They have not had strokes or heart attacks and they have been under my care for 25 good and healthy years.


Recent Articles and Episodes


[Carbs & Recipes] Snack - Crackers and Milk

(in: Carbs & Recipes)

[Carbs & Recipes] Lunch - Grilled Salmon with Lettuce, Tomato, and Onion

(in: Carbs & Recipes)

[Carbs & Recipes] Breakfast - Egg, Oatmeal, and 1/2 an Apple

(in: Carbs & Recipes)

[Carbs & Recipes] Dinner - Steak, Corn on the Cob, and Mushrooms

(in: Carbs & Recipes)

[Pearls] Fingerstick Reading Reports

(in: Learning the Pearls)

[Exercises] Standing with Motion

(in: Exercises)

[Happy Harmony] Awesome Cloud

(in: Happy Harmony)

[Happy Harmony] Pelican Thoughts

(in: Happy Harmony)

[Reference] Diabetic Medications

(in: Reference)

Legal Disclaimer for Doctor Diabetes MD ™

(in: Legal Notices)

Welcome to Doctor Diabetes MD. Let us show you how to live a long healthy life while keeping your diabetes under control.

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